Monthly Archives: November 2012


The key to America’s future is a grid criss-crossing the country. This project could bring this country back from the brink of DEPRESSION.

Where is it?  Why isn’t it being built? Especially when it’s at no cost to taxpayers!  We as Americans must wake-up and demand this project move ahead, for the good of us all.

This is the color map of Lee’s planned high-speed rail program.  It was created by a friend of Marilyn’s in CA and isn’t a final draft but does give a good overview of the plan.  Following are some of the articles she wrote about hsr and the transcript of one of the radio shows she did on the subject.  Marilyn created a blog on this subject:

Articles supporting a high speed rail available here

The Map below is the most current one made available to me

MagLev_AmeriRail Transportation System Map_circa 2009


Former Airforce Capt. David Andrew Christenson

David’s Channel: YouTube                        Website:          PersimmonPublishing Documents:   Link

Part 1/ Are Whistle Blowers murdered ?

Wednesday Nov. 21, 2012/noon est

Part 2/Terrorist or Patriot ?

Friday Nov. 23, 2012/noon est

Part 3/The Katrina Virus !

Monday Nov. 26, 2012/ noon est



David Andrew Christenson

Tom Heneghan’s Explosive Report

Benghazi Update

Part 1 of 3

by Tom Heneghan

International Intelligence Expert

UNITED States of America – It can now be reported that

White House and intelligence agency officials have

admitted that the U.S. State Department facility was not a

registered U.S. State Department Consulate but an

unregistered diplomatic post, that was involved in arms

dealing, drug trafficking and also operated a JP Morgan-

Goldman Sachs trading platform linked to the Omega Alpha



Note: The terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya

took place one day after

IMF President Christine Lagarde had notified U.S.

Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner that the unregistered

diplomatic post in Benghazi was engaged in the illegal use

and money laundry of the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand

Protocol funds. MORE


        A total Western Media Blackout of the Massive anti-austerity strikes and protests swept across Europe as millions took to the streets to express their frustration over rising unemployment, austerity, injustice, an end to the “war on terror,” an end to the surveillance society, justice to the banks who stole nations worth of wealth, and noise to the dire economic prospects ahead. Many rallies ended with violent clashes with police.

        Workers marched in 23 countries across Europe to mark the European Day of Action and Solidarity. General strikes had been called in Spain and Portugal, paralyzing public services and international flights, in Belgium and France transport links were partially disrupted by strikes and demonstrations, in Italy and Greece thousands of workers and students marched through the streets.

        Other EU countries, such as Germany, Austria and Poland, saw well attended union-led rallies. The Europe-wide strike action, the largest in a series of protests against the austerity policies, was coordinated by the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) and promoted on Twitter under the “14N” hashtag.


Ann Barnhardt, At her Best !

The Economic Presentation in 8 Parts

Posted by Ann Barnhardt – November 9, AD 2012 9:23 AM MST


Here is the link to the workbook in PDF.

Part One Topics:
Systemic Counterparty Risk
Money is a Fungible Proxy for Your Very Humanity
All Currencies are Fiat
The Gold Standard is Not Necessary




On October 31, 2012, Marilyn Barnewall received the following email from Ambassador Lee Emil Wanta.  She could not send it to us immediately because the email addresses first had to be removed. Since she’s a little busy writing the Ambassador’s biography, it took her a day to get it to us for publication.  When she received the Tom Heneghan Briefing this morning, she immediately stopped writing long enough to clear the emails and get this information to us.

  People will not recognize most of the email names… they are members of the Austrian government.  It appears to Marilyn that Ambassador Wanta is telling the American government he has had enough of their game playing with his money and that rather than accept the agreed upon $4.5 trillion by repatriating the funds to the United States.  He warned them in 2008 that if the Americans did not want the $1.575 trillion in taxes he would pay on the $4.5 trillion that he would reclaim ownership of the entire $27.5 trillion and work with the Austrian government to retrieve the total amount of his funds from that country.  It should be made clear that Wanta never gave up ownership of the entire $27.5 trillion, he only agreed to accept $4.5 trillion in settlement… and then Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson reneged on the deal and “kidnapped” the funds.  It appears the Ambassador’s statement to European leaders about moving back to Austria where he has legal residency and working with the governments of Europe, particularly Austria, to gain possession of what is lawfully his may have stimulated the U.S. Supreme Court to take action on Wanta’s behalf… that’s the way the Tom Heneghan’s Intelligence Briefing this morning makes it appear, anyway.  SEE ATTACHMENT.


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Volcano discussions in your living room

Real Climate Science

"Science is the belief in the ignorance of the experts" - Richard Feynman

The Louisiana Sinkhole Bugle

Lots of hard to find news on the big sinkhole of 2012 - Use ARCHIVES, bottom right to see older posts

Trade News in Brief

International Economic Affairs & Relations / Regional & International Organizations / Global Commerce & Business